“Young man, we do not allow such behavior in this establishment. You may have this picture if you wish, but the negative is going to cost you dearly. That is, unless you want your wife to find out. Oh, and by the way ….. You are totally disgusting!”
I declare, Thurston, this prenup must have been drafted by a brain-damaged chimpanzee. If you want to marry, you simply MUST hire a competent attorney to do the work.
“I love what you’ve done in this picture, but am even more intrigued with where you’ve splattered your clothes and the way the paint runs down your…, well, the way it runs down”
She paints in the style of Matisse/ and she wants him to sign a release/ but he has the impression/ that she’s his possession/ and he simply insists that she cease.
She’s at least as good as Renoir/ and he tells her she could be a star/ but she won’t do a nude / (she considers it lewd)/ and she seems to be winning…so far..
“A pictorial expose~ on what you women have under those voluminous dresses! Interesting but might it not result in the end of employment for a great many little people?”
(best viewed by Google Chrome, with Google Translate added to chrome://extensions, which can automatically translate most pages as necessary) has info and links that point to more info about this roughly jumbo envelope size painting.
all have info about this artist, perhaps in addition to what’s pointed to by the title URL, which indirectly points to his French Wikipedia page:
(again, Chrome can automatically translate as necessay). First work by him used here.
Again, a larger strip image is shown by (⌘- or Ctrl-) clicking the image in Mr. Melcher’s MASTERPIECE #2459 (May 27, 2020) blog entry, accessible by the Check out the blog! box after the last comment.
BE THIS GUY over 4 years ago
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 4 years ago
“Is my painting here good enough for you to put your name on it?”
Strob over 4 years ago
“You want me to paint you like that, I’ll do it for free!”
Kind&Kinder over 4 years ago
I shall defend to the death your right to make His Majesty look like Voltaire! But for now, cherie, what do you say to a five-year journey abroad?
Bilan over 4 years ago
Instructions for unfastening the corset.
It’s going to be a long night.
juncarlo over 4 years ago
Do you think I exaggerate with Photoshop in this pic?
Papared25 over 4 years ago
“This is our dry cleaning bill from last month. You might want to sit down before you read it.”
gopher gofer over 4 years ago
‘how much do you think the tabloids will pay for this pic of meghan…?’
Carolyn Saunders over 4 years ago
Here’s Turner’s original and on the easel is my interpretation
Egrayjames over 4 years ago
“Young man, we do not allow such behavior in this establishment. You may have this picture if you wish, but the negative is going to cost you dearly. That is, unless you want your wife to find out. Oh, and by the way ….. You are totally disgusting!”
WoodstockJack over 4 years ago
I declare, Thurston, this prenup must have been drafted by a brain-damaged chimpanzee. If you want to marry, you simply MUST hire a competent attorney to do the work.
Buzzworld over 4 years ago
“Ok nice etchings. Now let’s get down to why you REALLY invited me up here.”
P51Strega over 4 years ago
“I love what you’ve done in this picture, but am even more intrigued with where you’ve splattered your clothes and the way the paint runs down your…, well, the way it runs down”
aerotica69 over 4 years ago
It says here in “Elle” that paniers are right out next spring, so you’d better get painting because I’m going to need a whole new wardrobe!
Call me Ishmael over 4 years ago
She paints in the style of Matisse/ and she wants him to sign a release/ but he has the impression/ that she’s his possession/ and he simply insists that she cease.
Call me Ishmael over 4 years ago
She paints in the style of Gauguin/ and he simply isn’t a fan/ for t’is easy to see/ she’s more gifted than he/ but painting’s a job for a man…
Call me Ishmael over 4 years ago
She’s at least as good as Renoir/ and he tells her she could be a star/ but she won’t do a nude / (she considers it lewd)/ and she seems to be winning…so far..
Radish... over 4 years ago
I have this idea of a woman popping out of a cake, what do you think?
Honorable Mention In The Banjo Toss Premium Member over 4 years ago
Politely keeping his eyes on her…..work.
Another Take over 4 years ago
“A pictorial expose~ on what you women have under those voluminous dresses! Interesting but might it not result in the end of employment for a great many little people?”
Indianapolis Smith over 4 years ago
I’m sorry, what did you say? I keep thinking about how that skirt makes your butt look small.
prrdh over 4 years ago
“Glad to. So…let me mansplain how you could have handled this part better…”
anomaly over 4 years ago
“No, it’s not a puppy dog. It’s the Eiffel Tower.”
mabrndt Premium Member over 4 years ago
Couple with easel:
(best viewed by Google Chrome, with Google Translate added to chrome://extensions, which can automatically translate most pages as necessary) has info and links that point to more info about this roughly jumbo envelope size painting.
all have info about this artist, perhaps in addition to what’s pointed to by the title URL, which indirectly points to his French Wikipedia page:
(again, Chrome can automatically translate as necessay). First work by him used here.
Again, a larger strip image is shown by (⌘- or Ctrl-) clicking the image in Mr. Melcher’s MASTERPIECE #2459 (May 27, 2020) blog entry, accessible by the Check out the blog! box after the last comment.
MissScarlet Premium Member over 4 years ago
I’ve decided to enter this one in the county fair. What do you think?
6turtle9 over 4 years ago
Needs more cowbell.
Snoopy_Fan over 4 years ago
“Awww, come on! My ‘package’ is bigger than that!”
WaltWenger Premium Member over 4 years ago
She is doing an excellent job of modeling — modeling the behavior of someone vaguely complimentary and annoyingly patronizing.
russellc64 over 4 years ago
-vaguely complimentary and annoyingly patronizing-
“You are very pretty and I like the view of your breasts from here.”
d1234dick Premium Member over 4 years ago
Julie invited Eric up to her apartment to view her art, it wasn’t what he wanted to view.
Running Buffalo Premium Member over 4 years ago
We complain that the wonderbra indicates there is more than “fits the bill”? Compared to corsets and skirt hoops of yesteryear? We are amateurs.
Running Buffalo Premium Member over 4 years ago
Yes, that is what I want to eat. And please, make sure they deliver quickly …
Helen Ferrieux over 4 years ago
You’re out of tune, Emily. That’s a B flat.
rmremail over 4 years ago
“And here is another painting by my daughter. She did this one last year, in kindergarten.” What a guy has to put up with to get some.