Flo and Friends by Jenny Campbell for June 07, 2020

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    wldhrsy2luv  over 4 years ago

    They are all heroes in their own way.

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  2. Rudy says hello
    Lucy Rudy  over 4 years ago

    A bag boy has to wear a mask all day and be close to strangers, too. I know a grocery worker who caught it.

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    Jeffin Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Grocery checker myself. Never thought I’d be a hero for that but I certainly feel like one now. Thanks, Jenny.

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    listmom  over 4 years ago

    I’ve just found out about the objects hidden in Sunday comics today as a thank you for our essential workers: microscope, mask, apple, fork, and grocery cart. Such fun and a delightful way to say “thank you”.

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  5. Gcwg
    MC4802 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Love the “find the thing” activity. In these most unusual times, it might be very helpful to parents of young children if there were several, or many, Sunday comics offering this activity. You might publish the list on a website so as to not take up too much room on your art panels. Just an idea. Thanks

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  6. Retired dude avatar
    Retired Dude  over 4 years ago

    When everybody is a hero then the word becomes meaningless.

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  7. Underdog2
    Under Dog Premium Member over 4 years ago

    There are several cartoonists doing this today some don’t explain it it’s just there.

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  8. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Let us not forget those that are keeping the power on, water flowing, toilets flushing, and TV services up. Try living without those for awhile.

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  9. Annabelle
    Sue Ellen  over 4 years ago

    Great job of blending the items into the scene in a very natural way!

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    tung cha cha cha  over 4 years ago

    Good placement of the symbols. And, thanks to Jeffin and to all the other grocery workers.

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    GiantShetlandPony  over 4 years ago

    Thank you and you are welcome.

    Just remember the essential workers outside of hospitals are working with far less PPE and often around people that are far less careful about spreading the disease.

    It does seem the word hero is way over used.

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  12. Santa  1 ram
    chief tommy  over 4 years ago

    Good job incorporating all six items Jenny

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    angelolady Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I can’t find the fork…..

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    mi_sbs  over 4 years ago

    I have followed this comic for quite a while but never wrote a comment until now. As an essential worker, in the ER (I actually read this in between patients) and in teaching, I would like to thank you and all of the cartoonists who took part in the National Cartoonists Society challenge to use the symbols in their comics today (well, yesterday, since I’m writing this on Monday).

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