jonas: safe!
Green Pirate: and you're totally fine with your runner advancing on the base path like that.
CC: hey, like I say- show me where I can't in the rule book.
Remember how, in 1941, Bill Veeck sent dwarf Eddie Gaedel to bat for the St. Louis Browns? He drew a walk, of course, and was replaced by a pinch-runner.
Kirokithikis over 13 years ago
don’t they have to be ON the base path? tunneling would make them under it
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
You play by rules?
Good Morning, Crew!
instigator20 over 13 years ago
Good Morning Crew,
Meet Jonas, the “TUNNEL KING”
Willie, you and Danny’ll be tunnel kings. Danny, you’ll be in charge of traps.
gobblingup Premium Member over 13 years ago
All right, then show me where I can’t get my largest player to stomp on that.
Good morning, Crew
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Put Jonas in charge of Tom, Dick AND Harry! He can handle all three!
Good morning Crew!
Mopman over 13 years ago
Opposing coach: “Hey - mice can’t play on your team!” Umpire: “There’s nothing in the rulebook against it.”
Similar dialog used in 847 comedies/family movies.
michael.p.pumilia over 13 years ago
Pirates don’t play by “no stinking rules”. That’s why they are called Pirates.
Avast, Mate-ys, and grab all the Booty.
edrush over 13 years ago
Remember how, in 1941, Bill Veeck sent dwarf Eddie Gaedel to bat for the St. Louis Browns? He drew a walk, of course, and was replaced by a pinch-runner.
COWBOY7 over 13 years ago
House……er ship rules???
Good Afternoon, Crew!
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
Rules? We don’t need no stinkin’ rules.