This is so cute it shouldn’t be allowed. Brought another much needed smile to my face today. (It looks like Annie’s trying for the “scarey face game” in her sleep. So cute.
I understand this is a comic of course and in comic land anything is possible. That being said, isn’t Sophie a lab? Why would she not be as big or bigger than Annie? Strictly speaking breed wise that is…..I know Annie would weigh more but their stature is smaller than a lab is my point.
momofalex7 over 4 years ago
Poor Sophie. It doesn’t pay to be first on the dog bed.
Ida No over 4 years ago
Stacking issues. Whoever did this is also the one that put the eggs in the grocery bag under the 10-pound bag of potatoes.
snplambo over 4 years ago
Poor Sophie.
blunebottle over 4 years ago
Love blanket.
Doctor Toon over 4 years ago
Can you feel the love?
Yardley701 over 4 years ago
Poor Sophie is being crushed with love.
JK1 over 4 years ago
This is so cute it shouldn’t be allowed. Brought another much needed smile to my face today. (It looks like Annie’s trying for the “scarey face game” in her sleep. So cute.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Yeah. I’m with Sophie on this one. A cuddle can become a real “dog pile” if you don’t have a little size discipline and planning.
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer over 4 years ago
First come, first squished!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 4 years ago
So much for social distancing !
But they do look so cute, don’t they?
ocarol7 Premium Member over 4 years ago
A hill of cute
skipper1992 over 4 years ago
I thought weighted blankets were all the rage these days?
BJIllistrated Premium Member over 4 years ago
I understand this is a comic of course and in comic land anything is possible. That being said, isn’t Sophie a lab? Why would she not be as big or bigger than Annie? Strictly speaking breed wise that is…..I know Annie would weigh more but their stature is smaller than a lab is my point.
cuzinron47 over 4 years ago
Another ‘I can’t breath’ moment.
whenlifewassimpler over 4 years ago
Sophie should be on top with Annie first and Dougie next.