Jeff Danziger for April 06, 2011

  1. Missing large
    kreole  over 13 years ago

    Back when I was a kid, many times a child was left behind…it was called, “Failed”, and you had to repeat the grade until you could pass. Let’s face it….some kids just can’t pass.

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    beenthere41  over 13 years ago

    This is a true story. When I was a Junior in High School, we had a movie about the American Revolution in our American History class. When the movie ended, the teacher what we thought of it. One kid said he didn’t like it. When asked why, he said it was so old it had George Washington in it! (I don’t think he had been left behind often enough.)

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  3. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  over 13 years ago

    In my senior year of high school, one of my classmates couldn’t name all 7 continents.

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  4. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 13 years ago

    Is it the kids that are failing the tests….

    …or the tests that are failing the kids?

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  5. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  over 13 years ago

    Please, Gary, there is no shortage of young people willing to become teachers, just not in the neighborhoods that are truly failing “No Child Left Behind”. Facts are facts…as America’s demographics change, its scores go down.

    Teachers actually have a small impact on learning. The values taught by the parents are more of an indicator of academic success than anything else. My parents were college grads…I did well in school. No big surprise.

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  6. Warcriminal
    WarBush  over 13 years ago

    ^^Why would anyone spend $70,000 plus certifications to have a job that pays $30,000 a year

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  7. Swc1
    SaltWaterCroc  over 13 years ago

    It’s the teachers that are evil and driving this country into bankruptcy! Amazing that a country can bail out banks to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, but fights any expense for education. The Supreme Court says tax dollars can go to private schools, here in Texas teachers are demonized (as is anything resembling science), teaching is still a low paying profession, and government clowns come up with more tests.

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    MLJ1728  over 13 years ago

    How pathetic Time Weaver. That’s the best that you can do. How about you actually check your facts before you show your ignorance. The GOP did not make teachers,firemen and policemen into villians. That is just your normal everyday left wing attitude. They are not the villians, but rather the unions that represent them and their greedy thirst for more power and money. We would have more and better teachers if they were promoted on merit instead of seniority. And that is just one example of what is wrong with unions, not TEACHERS.

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  9. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Skip the regimentation of the right & the “esteem” of the left. An entrance exam on the first day should determine which class the student needs, then keep him there until he’s acquired the skills to enter the next class. If the student says; “I can’t do it,” he’d better get used to being the janitor’s assistant. They can develop their self esteem by developing actual skills. I’m amazed at how often I meet illiterates who don’t seem to fit the obsolete clinical definition of “imbecile.” Their parents failed them before they got to school & teachers didn’t remedy the problem (often because they weren’t allowed).

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  10. Knees phuh
    phuhknees  over 13 years ago

    The undereducated make for better cattle; meat on the table baby!

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  11. Bluejay
    Bluejayz  over 13 years ago

    Hillary Clinton was demonized by some for saying “It takes a village to raise a child,” but that is exactly the answer. It takes loving, involved parents who care if their child succeeds; it takes dedicated, professional teachers who are concerned as much about the child’s education as they are about their salaries; it takes business leaders who care about their communities to define the skills they need for their workforce and to demand and financially support the schools in achieving those goals; it takes local and state (and, yes, federal) politicians who are committed to create an education system / atmosphere that develops educated graduates; and finally, it takes all of us to realize the value of education.

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  12. Sherman
    DamYankee22  over 13 years ago

    When teachers are maligned as they are today, it’s a wonder that there are any at all. Perhaps the goal is to limit literacy to the Upper Class (however those in power define it).

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  13. Jollyroger
    pirate227  over 13 years ago

    Brought to you by the ejacation President.

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  14. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I’d love to be a teacher. Unfortunately being a teacher just doesn’t pay enough compared to a lot of other jobs I can do. *sigh* It’d be so much more rewarding, but rewarding doesn’t pay the bills. I am impressed by those willing and able to make that sacrifice.

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  15. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 13 years ago

    I hate this one. Poor teachers, they are trying and the government is making them out as the bad guys. I’m thankful I had teachers and wish they were allowed to be teachers instead of teach how to take tests.

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