Oh dear. Poochie isn’t the smartest dog in the world. I can say, having taken physics in school, that there is no way that Poochie can let go of that stick without her jaw being driven out through the back of her skull. She should have grabbed it from the other side and pulled.
Our pup some thirty years ago jumped up at the buddleia bush. She caught a branch and pulled until it sprang back and lifted her off the ground until I rescued her. He she grabbed hold of a broken branch and scampered indoors with it only to find that the branch was longer than the doorway was wide. Poor little pup. Puppy biscuits made he feel better though.
SHIVA over 4 years ago
Too bad the limb won’t go all the way around!!!!
dcdete. over 4 years ago
Oh dear. Poochie isn’t the smartest dog in the world. I can say, having taken physics in school, that there is no way that Poochie can let go of that stick without her jaw being driven out through the back of her skull. She should have grabbed it from the other side and pulled.
Tog over 4 years ago
Our pup some thirty years ago jumped up at the buddleia bush. She caught a branch and pulled until it sprang back and lifted her off the ground until I rescued her. He she grabbed hold of a broken branch and scampered indoors with it only to find that the branch was longer than the doorway was wide. Poor little pup. Puppy biscuits made he feel better though.
cubswin2016 over 4 years ago
That is what happens when you do not pay attention to your surroundings.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 4 years ago
Again, Poochie shows who’s the brains of the outfit.
asrialfeeple over 4 years ago
He’s your dog, Nancy!!