Then what would they talk about? Of course, I immediately thought about “Ask Marilyn” in Parade magazine where she always talks about the odds of things happening. I’m sure she would have an answer for this. Granted, if he only has two types of socks, he only needs to pull out three. Easy!
p.s. I don’t match up my husband’s socks either. Really, how difficult is that for him to do, especially since I do his laundry? Now, If I didn’t have young children and had nothing else to do, I might do that while watching a show, but I have better things to do now. Like make comments on comics about socks. ;-)
Llewellenbruce over 13 years ago
Don’t forget to put your shoes on first before you go to the store then.
firstwife over 13 years ago
Perhaps Opal replaced all his colored socks with white ones.
hildigunnurr Premium Member over 13 years ago
yeah, Opal, just buy a ton of black socks, all the same. Works here, plus way less hassle pairing them up after wash…
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
Now what are the odds of picking out matching socks and matching shoes. With Earl, it can’t be done, I tell ya.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member over 13 years ago
Opal the least you could do is match them up for him after you do the wash…then you wouldn’t have to comment about his socks not matching.
DavidGBA over 13 years ago
Nope, used it all up on socks.
lightenup Premium Member over 13 years ago
Then what would they talk about? Of course, I immediately thought about “Ask Marilyn” in Parade magazine where she always talks about the odds of things happening. I’m sure she would have an answer for this. Granted, if he only has two types of socks, he only needs to pull out three. Easy!
p.s. I don’t match up my husband’s socks either. Really, how difficult is that for him to do, especially since I do his laundry? Now, If I didn’t have young children and had nothing else to do, I might do that while watching a show, but I have better things to do now. Like make comments on comics about socks. ;-)
vzs1022 over 13 years ago
firstwife - that was my thought as well
I'll fly away over 13 years ago
Oooh, the plot thickens!
gjsjr41 over 13 years ago
I buy all white socks, all the same type. Never have a non-matching problem.
jtviper7 over 13 years ago
Earl needs to come visit me in Vegas with someone else I don’t know…
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
You’ve got bear’s feet? I haven’t seen socks for bears. I guess you’re going aroud your house in bare feet then.
ilsapadu over 13 years ago
Maybe he has bear claws for feet. Yum!
COWBOY7 over 13 years ago
Maybe Opal had something to do with it, Earl.