@Linguist Today’s strip is slightly funny and a repeat, our HERO Mr Andrew Capp has putting his foot in his mouth perfected , the Vicar is nor amused :o) my avatar is of a guy wearing a light reflecting vest over cammoflaged clothes , does he want to be seen or not? which reminds me of a Maltese idiot dressed in cammo clothes ,in a cammo open topped Land Rover with a gun rack that he had named “Rainbow Warrior” like the Green Peace ship that was sunk by the French for blocking their nuclear aircraft carrier, the bloke was unclear about the concept :o) comment avez vous passe votre jour mon moins vieux ami? our day should be busy but calm I hope , no morning drive and Connie does not have to go to mass physically as our main church is to far from where we live for her to walk there so she’ll just watch it on the telly , a bientot amigo.
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
funny you should say that, Andy…
Imagine over 4 years ago
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
AFFICIONADO over 4 years ago
@Linguist Today’s strip is slightly funny and a repeat, our HERO Mr Andrew Capp has putting his foot in his mouth perfected , the Vicar is nor amused :o) my avatar is of a guy wearing a light reflecting vest over cammoflaged clothes , does he want to be seen or not? which reminds me of a Maltese idiot dressed in cammo clothes ,in a cammo open topped Land Rover with a gun rack that he had named “Rainbow Warrior” like the Green Peace ship that was sunk by the French for blocking their nuclear aircraft carrier, the bloke was unclear about the concept :o) comment avez vous passe votre jour mon moins vieux ami? our day should be busy but calm I hope , no morning drive and Connie does not have to go to mass physically as our main church is to far from where we live for her to walk there so she’ll just watch it on the telly , a bientot amigo.
boniface22 over 4 years ago
Same joke, slightly redone, makes two jokes.
halibaitor over 4 years ago
Deja Vu is happening again…
littlejohn Premium Member over 4 years ago
I guess that Andy’s flat is an echo chamber. Old things keep on echoing around.
pcolli over 4 years ago
Take your hat off when indoors, vicar.
WLG12037 over 4 years ago
Andy remembers the past, and STILL he repeats it!
HarryLime over 4 years ago
Second time’s a charm … er.
Michael G. over 4 years ago
No sense, no feeling …
oakie817 over 4 years ago
deja vu all over again
kathleenhicks62 over 4 years ago
tad1 over 4 years ago
Oops, Andy blew it again!