If 60% of the population were to use a mask and everyone observed social distancing, covid-19 could be knocked back considerably within 6 weeks according to prominent virologists.
sigh, for ever if anyone is coughing and sneezing because they are sick, stay out of the public. Hayfever sneezing and coughing is nasty but not contagious. This is the thing to do mask or no mask.
i try to stiffle mine as much as i can. i had a dry coughing spell in my dentisit office when i went to have a chipped tooth repaired and he kept asking me if i was okay and if i was sure i didn’t have the virus. they took my temp before i went into the office and i was fine.i told him years ago i had had a very serious coughing spell where i almost died because i couldn’t catch my breath. finally after about 10 mins it subsided but i was horse for 2 weeks and ever since then i get them at no fault of my own. a little later he sneezed, stepped away and then apolgized. we both chuckled.
Remember the old days, 20 weeks ago, when someone sneezed and someone would say something like “bless you.” Now someone sneezes and we say “get away from me.”
You know, Betty used to be kind of funny, in a sardonic way. Now she has just become another Karen-like harridan. Ironic thing is, earlier this year, the cartoonists were harping on people using the handicapped button to open doors. Now, in the age of Covid, I suspect the cartoonists do exactly that to avoid touching the door handles. Time to unfollow, not worth the time anymore.
whahoppened over 4 years ago
Turn away, don’t look
stillfickled Premium Member over 4 years ago
I was in Wal*Mart and an elderly man walked by me and coughed- no mask on- I told him “cover your mouth!” and he gave me such a dirty look!
Daniel Verburg over 4 years ago
Sneezing 3 times in a row once meant ‘Good health’, nowadays one has to run for cover.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 4 years ago
Guy on the right isn’t concerned about the sneeze, he’s just busting a move.
mourdac Premium Member over 4 years ago
If 60% of the population were to use a mask and everyone observed social distancing, covid-19 could be knocked back considerably within 6 weeks according to prominent virologists.
Teto85 Premium Member over 4 years ago
No non-mask wearing folks up here. Then again, we all realize that we are in this together and all have to do our bit.
car2ner over 4 years ago
sigh, for ever if anyone is coughing and sneezing because they are sick, stay out of the public. Hayfever sneezing and coughing is nasty but not contagious. This is the thing to do mask or no mask.
j.l.farmer over 4 years ago
i try to stiffle mine as much as i can. i had a dry coughing spell in my dentisit office when i went to have a chipped tooth repaired and he kept asking me if i was okay and if i was sure i didn’t have the virus. they took my temp before i went into the office and i was fine.i told him years ago i had had a very serious coughing spell where i almost died because i couldn’t catch my breath. finally after about 10 mins it subsided but i was horse for 2 weeks and ever since then i get them at no fault of my own. a little later he sneezed, stepped away and then apolgized. we both chuckled.
Ukko wilko over 4 years ago
A friend had an officious young woman say, “You should have worn a mask!” He replied, “Your father should have worn a condum”.
Ukko wilko over 4 years ago
The need for extra toilet paper is justified. Someone sneezed in Walmart and a dozen people crapped their pants.
mi_sbs over 4 years ago
Remember the old days, 20 weeks ago, when someone sneezed and someone would say something like “bless you.” Now someone sneezes and we say “get away from me.”
Ginny Premium Member over 4 years ago
That “God bless you” was to keep the devil away. Sounds right now, tho.
mklange Premium Member over 4 years ago
You know, Betty used to be kind of funny, in a sardonic way. Now she has just become another Karen-like harridan. Ironic thing is, earlier this year, the cartoonists were harping on people using the handicapped button to open doors. Now, in the age of Covid, I suspect the cartoonists do exactly that to avoid touching the door handles. Time to unfollow, not worth the time anymore.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 4 years ago
Coughing produces the same effect.