Reminds me of our dog Alex when we went to work on our cars and he always went with us and grabbed his tennis ball to chew on while he laid on the front lawn.
In third grade, we were tasked with writing a story. Everyone else started writing in a hurry, but I sat for a few minutes to think about it. Our cat had done something funny and we were all laughing about it. I thought, “but what if that was the most sensible thing to do from her perspective.” So I wrote the story from the cat’s perspective and she could not understand why these silly people were laughing at her. The teacher liked it so well, he read it to the class.
momofalex7 over 4 years ago
Not a bad idea. Pretty creative.
whenlifewassimpler over 4 years ago
Reminds me of our dog Alex when we went to work on our cars and he always went with us and grabbed his tennis ball to chew on while he laid on the front lawn.
mymontana over 4 years ago
Once again, it’s all on Rover
Calvinist1966 over 4 years ago
A marvellous example of how our pets can influence us.
robertdkrebs Premium Member over 4 years ago
Love frame 2! Good olde tennis ball smack dab in the kisser!
jr1234 over 4 years ago
Seems like Red is finally a bit older
Pet over 4 years ago
Clever boy, Red!
jpayne4040 over 4 years ago
Sounds like an A is in Red’s future!
Pathfinderman over 4 years ago
Keep dreaming, Red.
Tentoes over 4 years ago
In third grade, we were tasked with writing a story. Everyone else started writing in a hurry, but I sat for a few minutes to think about it. Our cat had done something funny and we were all laughing about it. I thought, “but what if that was the most sensible thing to do from her perspective.” So I wrote the story from the cat’s perspective and she could not understand why these silly people were laughing at her. The teacher liked it so well, he read it to the class.
WCraft Premium Member over 4 years ago
Or how excessive slobber can cause the balls to curve while in flight.
heathcliff2 over 4 years ago
Fun can sometimes be part of work.
over 4 years ago
Good thinking, Rover.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member over 4 years ago
The future NASA team Mr. Red and Mr. Rover!
kf6rro over 4 years ago
Valid topic.
kathleenhicks62 over 4 years ago
Did he get a good grade?
Stephen Gilberg over 4 years ago
Do the adults in his life ever worry that Red has no interests other than Rover?
asrialfeeple over 4 years ago
At least points for creativity.
NyahNyahNyah over 4 years ago
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