Behold! It sits atop the King! We must let it breed as much as possible! 30,000 years later Dammit! How does it know to sit on important things?
Except for the middle ages, during the Black Death, when they were killed as alleged witches’ familiars for bringing the plague. Ironic, because cats would have suppressed the transmission by fleas via rats. Religious zeal trumping science.
If you were small, puffy and didn’t have a day job, wouldn’t you lay around on the warmest stuff in the room?
Laptop cools through the keyboard.
Warm head, warm keyboard.
October 31, 2014
March 05, 2017
June 13, 2017
September 08, 2017
September 24, 2017
May 07, 2018
syzygy47 about 4 years ago
Except for the middle ages, during the Black Death, when they were killed as alleged witches’ familiars for bringing the plague. Ironic, because cats would have suppressed the transmission by fleas via rats. Religious zeal trumping science.
Ida No about 4 years ago
If you were small, puffy and didn’t have a day job, wouldn’t you lay around on the warmest stuff in the room?
Plods with ...™ about 4 years ago
Laptop cools through the keyboard.
NWdryad about 4 years ago
Warm head, warm keyboard.