My Shar Pei, Sissy, would make the rounds under the table at any family gathering. Her cute, wrinkled face was impossible to resist, plus when she took the food she took it very gently. No snapping. When I took her to visit my Aunt in the nursing home, she and several of the residents were often sitting in the dining room eating popcorn. The older people loved to give Sissy popcorn because of how gently she took it. They also just had to pet her and she loved attention.
Mine have to watch from a respectful distance. They get tidbits of people food in their dog dishes afterwards. They are big enough to be really obnoxious if they thought that being nearby would get them tasty bites.
allen@home about 4 years ago
Maybe they are giving you a treat Louie. They also could be giving you something they don’t like.
hawgowar about 4 years ago
My Shar Pei, Sissy, would make the rounds under the table at any family gathering. Her cute, wrinkled face was impossible to resist, plus when she took the food she took it very gently. No snapping. When I took her to visit my Aunt in the nursing home, she and several of the residents were often sitting in the dining room eating popcorn. The older people loved to give Sissy popcorn because of how gently she took it. They also just had to pet her and she loved attention.
ForrestOverin about 4 years ago
It helps if the dog doesn’t burp and wag his tail wildly.
Prey about 4 years ago
I have four who can be the opposite. If they are all together I need a chain mail glove!
car2ner about 4 years ago
Mine have to watch from a respectful distance. They get tidbits of people food in their dog dishes afterwards. They are big enough to be really obnoxious if they thought that being nearby would get them tasty bites.
capkidd about 4 years ago
How true………..
Pathfinderman about 4 years ago
Louie the canine psychiatrist. He has people figured out.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 4 years ago
Good morning Crew!
sarahbowl1 Premium Member about 4 years ago
My two girls, Lizzie and Gracie, get their own plate of turkey every year! Very happy pups!
amethyst52 Premium Member about 4 years ago
I train my dogs from puppyhood to “take it nice.” No snapping here!
rgcviper about 4 years ago
Works for me, Louie. I know I’d sneak you a treat every chance I have …
’Evening, Crew.