JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for December 05, 2020

  1. Fb img 1516982044221
    jagedlo  almost 4 years ago

    All three of you have a joint account?

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  2. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  almost 4 years ago

    What a happy family.

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  3. Western grebe by jeff and amy
    I'll fly away  almost 4 years ago

    Did he rip his back pocket off his jeans getting out his wallet? Also, who will be playing with all the presents, Delray, Kenny or both together?

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  4. Captain quirk  2
    Ozlander  almost 4 years ago

    She may have to cancel the order for the new Gulfstream VI.

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    bigplayray  almost 4 years ago

    What does she care?

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    samfran6-0  almost 4 years ago

    The first year I was married, I had more money to spend at Christmas time than I ever had before and I went nuts buying gifts for everyone.

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