Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for November 21, 2020

  1. Missing large
    bytebot-gocomics  about 4 years ago

    After Brainzo, we can only speculate as to when the strip skims past reality, e.g. Rip and May-bee jumping overboard, or when it flies off into fantasy, e.g. Unibrow using nothing but a side arm to take out an entire crew of pirates. Now we have sharks that need dental plans. Unless May-bee is correct to be worried because sharks somehow regrow their teeth instantaneously hopefully Rip can pull this off and leave the sharks to slim down while their missing incisors grow back.

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  2. Freddylombard01
    daedalusomega  about 4 years ago

    The day when Rip jumped the shark, again.

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  3. Major matt mason315
    Major Matt Mason Premium Member about 4 years ago


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  4. 20230415 170925
    Chithing Premium Member about 4 years ago

    That shark wasn’t bothering anyone, and you had to go and beat the teeth out of it. Might as well see if you hitch a ride on it.

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  5. 7a980667 48ac 422f b25b 7a7ce01ee100 1 201 a
    jetspacer  about 4 years ago

    KA-JAWS!…great reference to Chief Brody, Mr. Dan!

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  6. 1ca12c517f49519aff5523fb9cea8b4b
    TheFiddleBackSpider  about 4 years ago

    Aww. It’s kind of a cute shark with no teeth and that sad look on it’s face…

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  7.  h366 w650 m6 otrue lfalse
    tad1  about 4 years ago


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  8.  h366 w650 m6 otrue lfalse
    tad1  about 4 years ago

    I almost feel bad for the shark. Then again, he should have known better than to mess with Rip Haywire!

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  9. Missing large
    Thinkingblade  about 4 years ago

    That is one unhappy looking shark! :-)

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