SMBC presents: Omitted Bible passages Hey, uh... Jesus? Remember when I loaned you that 30 pieces of silver and you said you to pay me back the next day. Hey, uh... Judas? Remember when you had a stupid voice and were always annoying me with it?
Ida No about 4 years ago
And when the Roman centurions took away his keys to the chariot because of all that free wine?
gnome about 4 years ago
….yep…lend money to friends, and it always ends bad….
Radish... about 4 years ago
Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
pumaman about 4 years ago
OK, I’ll get the silver from someone else then…
The Old Wolf about 4 years ago
I don’t lend books and I don’t lend money. If I give, it’s a gift – with no expectations attached. Expectations are generally pre-planned resentments.
Daeder about 4 years ago
And that’s why we need to kill all the Amalekites.