Reminds me of a trip to Hawaii taken 20+ years ago. Our family drove a winding two-lane road to the top of a dormant volcano, with just a steel rail between us and a thousand plus feet of freefall. At the very top of the road, where it ended at a sheer drop: a “No left turn” sign.
Imagine about 4 years ago
What does he do at the signs that say, “No shoulder”?
tudza Premium Member about 4 years ago
How about the deer crossing sign? They really ought to put those where the cars don’t go by.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 4 years ago
And someone’s down there watching for falling rocks.
Doctor Toon about 4 years ago
Always a good idea to do what the road signs tell you to do, won’t want to get in trouble
Chris about 4 years ago
well, didn’t want that sign to be lying after all.
Zebrastripes about 4 years ago
Alberta Oil Premium Member about 4 years ago
Got to follow the signs as you come to them.
J Short about 4 years ago
One of my favorites:
mistercatworks about 4 years ago
The difference between warning and exhortation.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe about 4 years ago
The signs in Pennsylvania warning about mythical Indian chief, Watch for Falling Rock!
KEA about 4 years ago
I’m really not sure what to do when I see a “Beware Falling Rocks” sign while driving. I usually just close my eyes.
InTraining Premium Member about 4 years ago
Horqace’s version of getting stoned…!
Perkycat about 4 years ago
I always wondered how the rocks got on the road.
Ermine Notyours about 4 years ago
Horace continued to perform the actions on signs, but he never got past the first DEAD END sign.
BlueFin Premium Member about 4 years ago
Now carry them back for the other passengers
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 4 years ago
Strange place. I wonder who puts them back for the next person?
jtrevor99 about 4 years ago
Reminds me of a trip to Hawaii taken 20+ years ago. Our family drove a winding two-lane road to the top of a dormant volcano, with just a steel rail between us and a thousand plus feet of freefall. At the very top of the road, where it ended at a sheer drop: a “No left turn” sign.
You don’t say.