Miss ya bus? The more round the body style and the lower the number on the bus, the older it was. Blue Bird Bus Co. It’s signature was blue exhaust and springs coming out of the seats. This is great! One day George P. hoisted the push broom out the back window and it hit the windshield of a Cadillac coming the other direction. You got it, it followed us to school. Never thought I would get my first law class on a school bus. Ha!
If Red has missed the bus, I can think of a solution that Rover might try. Rover can steal Red’s lunch again and Red can chase him for it again and so get to school and have plenty of exercise.
Of course, Rover would have to be very careful for himself and for Red when he leads Red across roads. I think he can do this as he would be a very good guide dog if he was less mischievous and more obedient.
When I missed the bus when we first moved to the suburbs on L.I. Since it was only a mile away I walked. Heck our school in NYC was 2 miles and we walked there (my and my buddy Patrick).
jr1234 about 4 years ago
Hee hee, Rover. Good boy :D
mymontana about 4 years ago
He warmed you up, Red
Catfeet Premium Member about 4 years ago
There’s nothing like a hot lunch on a cold day!
robertdkrebs Premium Member about 4 years ago
Miss ya bus? The more round the body style and the lower the number on the bus, the older it was. Blue Bird Bus Co. It’s signature was blue exhaust and springs coming out of the seats. This is great! One day George P. hoisted the push broom out the back window and it hit the windshield of a Cadillac coming the other direction. You got it, it followed us to school. Never thought I would get my first law class on a school bus. Ha!
Calvinist1966 about 4 years ago
If Red has missed the bus, I can think of a solution that Rover might try. Rover can steal Red’s lunch again and Red can chase him for it again and so get to school and have plenty of exercise.
Of course, Rover would have to be very careful for himself and for Red when he leads Red across roads. I think he can do this as he would be a very good guide dog if he was less mischievous and more obedient.
Zebrastripes about 4 years ago
Mouseman8 about 4 years ago
Coincidence…same story line as today’s “One Big Happy” comic.
WCraft Premium Member about 4 years ago
And thus – a new excuse for missing school was born.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
Love Red’s expression in the last panel.
whenlifewassimpler about 4 years ago
When I missed the bus when we first moved to the suburbs on L.I. Since it was only a mile away I walked. Heck our school in NYC was 2 miles and we walked there (my and my buddy Patrick).
pbr50138 about 4 years ago
Red is warm but late for school.