Of course, had it been Sophie, she would’ve just agreed to the game of hide and seek from the start, no questions asked, and not stopped to question if it was wise to like Annie would’ve.
Reminded of the Hadja taking a string of donkeys to market. He looked back from the one he was riding, counted them, and saw that one was missing. He’d get down, count them again, and the missing donkey would be back. Happened three times in the course of the trip, as things do in folk tales.
Ida No about 4 years ago
“Pretend!” The game where everyone wins!
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Funny. I lost a spider the same way once. My Mom “found” it and we both got thrown out of the house.
Diat60 about 4 years ago
Well, Annie certainly can’t see him! Voila!
ocarol7 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Annie is such an accommodating nursemaid
scyphi26 about 4 years ago
Some context for Sophie might be in order here.
Of course, had it been Sophie, she would’ve just agreed to the game of hide and seek from the start, no questions asked, and not stopped to question if it was wise to like Annie would’ve.
Doctor Toon about 4 years ago
I’m sure both dogs could always find Doug by following the diaper scent
WCraft Premium Member about 4 years ago
Reminds me of the scene on “My Octopus Teacher” when the octopus jumps on the sharks back!
JK1 about 4 years ago
That Annie…she’s adorable…this is great today.
gcarlson about 4 years ago
Reminded of the Hadja taking a string of donkeys to market. He looked back from the one he was riding, counted them, and saw that one was missing. He’d get down, count them again, and the missing donkey would be back. Happened three times in the course of the trip, as things do in folk tales.
Yardley701 about 4 years ago
Annie is such a good girl!