Careful there, Cobra! Don’t get too far out over your skis. Rip already traded in your raven haired beauty for a redhead after he got fed up with your constant treachery. Now he seems to be getting fed up with the redhead and her efforts to turn him into something he simply is not. Maybe (see what I did there?) he is willing to spend some time with a honey blonde (even if she does wear a hat) to see if she can be loyal while also accepting him for what he is?
bytebot-gocomics about 4 years ago
Careful there, Cobra! Don’t get too far out over your skis. Rip already traded in your raven haired beauty for a redhead after he got fed up with your constant treachery. Now he seems to be getting fed up with the redhead and her efforts to turn him into something he simply is not. Maybe (see what I did there?) he is willing to spend some time with a honey blonde (even if she does wear a hat) to see if she can be loyal while also accepting him for what he is?
Chithing Premium Member about 4 years ago
Cobra seems to be making a few assumptions, there. But who knows? At this point, she may be right (no pun intended).
Wichita1.0 about 4 years ago
david.reichert about 4 years ago
The heart follows a call the mind cannot understand. So does an organ a little farther South.
Thinkingblade about 4 years ago
At least she was smart enough to have the jewel with her – if she did she’d be bleeding out in the river already!
tad1 about 4 years ago
Not to disparage Cobra, but I thought Breezy was more Rip’s type.
tad1 about 4 years ago
If May-Bee’s hair was darker, she and Cobra would be identical twins. More reason to suspect they’re related.
oakie817 about 4 years ago