Why was I thinking that was some Doctor Who villain device that sprayed a deadly virus/pathogen into the air then sucked all the joy out of the station along with about 40% of the people’s logic and reasoning centers being impaired causing them to scream “Masks are tyranny” and other gibberish.
GreasyOldTam about 4 years ago
I want one of… no, no I don’t.
pauljmsn about 4 years ago
I’ve seen the dumpster fire ornament – at least I’ve seen the advertisement – so this wouldn’t surprise me.
Sanspareil about 4 years ago
The perfect trumpster trash fire symbol.
Chithing Premium Member about 4 years ago
Where can I get one?
Lawrence.S about 4 years ago
Ah, the perfect way to relive the wonderful memories of past year and reflect… Who needs one of those?
Major Matt Mason Premium Member about 4 years ago
I’m with Chithing. I want one, too. :)
geese28 about 4 years ago
That’ll be a hit
Michael G. about 4 years ago
No one is manufacturing these in China? :-o
oakie817 about 4 years ago
everyone pray the coming year is better
ChessPirate about 4 years ago
I hope there isn’t a hole in that thing, ’cause you know what that would be… ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
Cincoflex about 4 years ago
What? It isn’t a person without a mask with covid virus drifting around them?
DCBakerEsq about 4 years ago
Not to brag, but 2020 has been awfully good to me and my family.
dmagoon202ii about 4 years ago
What about the tire pile fire in “The Simpsons”?
smartman about 4 years ago
Why was I thinking that was some Doctor Who villain device that sprayed a deadly virus/pathogen into the air then sucked all the joy out of the station along with about 40% of the people’s logic and reasoning centers being impaired causing them to scream “Masks are tyranny” and other gibberish.
AstralPenguin83 about 4 years ago
First time in a long time that Pam and Cliff actually agree on something.
mistercatworks about 4 years ago
I always wanted to make a 101 Dalmatians globe. It would have white dogs in it and pepper flakes that would settle on them when you shook it.
R.U. Kidding about 4 years ago
Up your ash, Cliff.