Rudolph with your nose so bright, you certainly gave us all a fright……when you missed the roof completely and Santa went flying two doors down and landed in a pine tree. Yaffle is staying warm and incognito…
I guess alcohol affects different characters in different ways. Rudy’s nose glows. Dancer, Cupid, and Vixen lose their inhibitions. Frosty gets slushy. But they all need to be under control by the 25th.
I wish a strong New Year to all who are fighting to get their lives back from addiction.
allen@home about 4 years ago
Well how else are you going to keep your nose red.
UmmeMoosa about 4 years ago
Coffee and donuts Table has to be in the corner that is out of view.
Zebrastripes about 4 years ago
Rudolph with your nose so bright, you certainly gave us all a fright……when you missed the roof completely and Santa went flying two doors down and landed in a pine tree. Yaffle is staying warm and incognito…
Phrosty 12Oaks about 4 years ago
I’ve known for years that drinking “special” eggnog is addictive to any and all who drink it. :)
Busy Tonight Premium Member about 4 years ago
Is there a joke here?
P51Strega about 4 years ago
I guess alcohol affects different characters in different ways. Rudy’s nose glows. Dancer, Cupid, and Vixen lose their inhibitions. Frosty gets slushy. But they all need to be under control by the 25th.
I wish a strong New Year to all who are fighting to get their lives back from addiction.
Plods with ...™ about 4 years ago
Is there a gift shop for that Yaffle cup?
Lee26 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Looks similar to ‘The Rooms’ I have been in. Thank God for ‘The Rooms’.
PO' DAWG about 4 years ago
I have a friend who refuses to go to Gamblers Anonymous because she said she knows everyone there.
katina.cooper about 4 years ago
And it’s all Santa’s fault.
Zebrastripes about 4 years ago
Merry Christmas Jeffrey and Brian!