He isn’t really hungry. He just wants the food in the dish for when he gets hungry.
“It’s down to what you call ‘half full’ but I call ‘imminent starvation’!!” The cat might say so, if s/he’s at all like mine, which is at about 99% likelihood.
If I walk any where near the vicinity of the kitchen, Tigger jumps down, from a sleep,and sits by his bowl…..meowing….lol
Could there be an outside chance that the cat is a bit hungry?
A bop to the nose is usually adequate.
Love it! Thanks for the repeat. It’s always good to see the classics again.
RAGs almost 3 years ago
He isn’t really hungry. He just wants the food in the dish for when he gets hungry.
!!ǝlɐ⅁ almost 3 years ago
“It’s down to what you call ‘half full’ but I call ‘imminent starvation’!!” The cat might say so, if s/he’s at all like mine, which is at about 99% likelihood.
Zebrastripes almost 3 years ago
If I walk any where near the vicinity of the kitchen, Tigger jumps down, from a sleep,and sits by his bowl…..meowing….lol
Diat60 almost 3 years ago
Could there be an outside chance that the cat is a bit hungry?
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member almost 3 years ago
A bop to the nose is usually adequate.
thejanith Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Love it! Thanks for the repeat. It’s always good to see the classics again.