Back in the antediluvian, once was tasked with reading essays by Freshmen who had been given access to one of those old “vertical” Macintosh computers. They had a lot of fonts. One of the hallmarks of people who had never had a word processor before was how manyfonts they used.
Concretionist almost 4 years ago
Back in the antediluvian, once was tasked with reading essays by Freshmen who had been given access to one of those old “vertical” Macintosh computers. They had a lot of fonts. One of the hallmarks of people who had never had a word processor before was how many fonts they used.
It’s very distracting.
Doug K almost 4 years ago
Will it really work?
Shirl Summ Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I LIKE it!!!
Island Boy almost 4 years ago
Font? That guy on Candid Camera?
ACK! Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Use a different font for each letter. Cyber ransom note.
bigal666 almost 4 years ago
The very first thing you do is disable “send all”.
dagupster almost 4 years ago
“Effect” used properly in panel 3. Well done.
Bradley Walker almost 4 years ago
Everything’s going to look like it was spoken by P.T. Bridgeport. (Shout out to Pogophiles.)
christelisbetty almost 4 years ago
The flaw in the idea is, some people will start a war over your idea.
cabalonrye almost 4 years ago
Try to make a system idiot proof and you will always find a better idiot.
Stephen Gilberg almost 4 years ago
I rather like that. Ever since I took a vow of political silence, I’ve noticed how many dumb things I was going to say.
Cactus-Pete almost 4 years ago
I’m impressed that he knows the different between a typeface and a font.
spaced man spliff almost 4 years ago
“He wasn’t very font of that, was he”, said Fontzie.
Bilan almost 4 years ago
We already have a way to make your message take four times as long.
It’s called autocorrect.
Ron Bauerle almost 4 years ago
Is Comic Sans one of them? :^)
Though I still don’t understand the hate for it…
c001 almost 4 years ago
Or you use the the sieve of Sokrates. Before saying something, answer three questions: “Is it true?” “Is it good?” “Is it necessary?”