FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for March 18, 2021

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 4 years ago

    Jason’s got you there, Roger.

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    Randallw  almost 4 years ago

    But there’s advertising, manufacture, and distribution.

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  3. Aaue7mcpja1uopxbdjvwu8qwfbx4eqtxshds 5xqqi 9
    SamuelMeasa  almost 4 years ago

    I prefer the underwear gnome version.

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    MosheWaisberg  almost 4 years ago

    which is easier – sell 1 product for $1m, or 1m products for $1 ?

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  5. Plumbbob wilson
    Plumbob Wilson  almost 4 years ago

    P.T. Barnum way underestimated the birth rate.

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  6. Hammy
    TMMILLER Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Place in the personal section of several large metropolitan newspapers: Send $1.00 to PO Box 10783 blah blah. See how much you rake in.

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    kab2rb  almost 4 years ago

    Dad you have to create a product and get customers to buy into.

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    awcoffman  almost 4 years ago

    When I see these schemes, I always ask myself, if this is such a wonderfully easy get-rich-quick method, why is the guy selling it instead of just using it to get rich quickly. Jason hit on the answer.

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  almost 4 years ago

    Like I said earlier in the week, this is all you need to know about get rich quick infomercials.

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  10. Dvincent
    dv1093  almost 4 years ago

    This is funny AND true! There are so many stupid consumers, they deserve to lose their money.

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  11. Smith sharon
    Sharon_ski  almost 4 years ago

    Years ago, I remember something similar. The ad read to learn how to make money at home send $1 and they would send you information. So the information said to post an ad in the paper and tell people to send you $1.

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  12. Lily and snape harry potter 27699574 912 661
    The chosen one  almost 4 years ago

    Is Rodger really THAT THICK? I get that his character isnt the brightest but seriously

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  13. Beaker collar
    Beaker  almost 4 years ago

    But that’s a bad example. That would require 5002 buyers.

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    ms-ss  almost 4 years ago

    Reminds me of when I was a kid. There was the guaranteed roach killer. Two blocks of wood and the instructions, “Place roach on block A, smack sharply with block B.”

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  15. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  almost 4 years ago

    P.T. Barnum would appreciate the hordes of people willing to pay thousands of dollars to attend seminars teaching the secret of how to be so wealthy that you have to go around the country teaching seminars to hordes.

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  16. Purplepeopleeater small
    Purple People Eater  almost 4 years ago

    I can’t quite make out the copyright date, but this was some time in the 90s, when people were making quite a bit of money selling four letters for $10 each.

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    Laura Doerfler  almost 4 years ago

    OMG people it’s a comic

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  18. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  almost 4 years ago

    I only remember sending away for two things from those “back-of-the-magazine” ads. One was for a lot of miscellaneous stamps from around the world, sort of a stamp-collecting “jump-start”. The other was a “device” that would allow you to throw your voice. I did get a bunch of stamps from around the world, as advertised. The device only allowed me to make a sort of buzzing noise, a rip-off.

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    cracker65  almost 4 years ago


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    magnus  almost 4 years ago

    Plus shipping and handling.

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  21. Fsm
    flying spaghetti monster  almost 4 years ago

    my favorite was when the 5 1/4 floppy was king, Double the size of your floppy. Turned out to be a paper punch.

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    asrialfeeple  almost 4 years ago

    Do you want to receive a blessing …? We personally pray over each and every check you send.

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    Dr_Fogg  almost 4 years ago

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