If my husband compliments me, I have a habit of answering, “That’s what they tell me!” And, like you with the drawing, Lennie, when I hear a great piece of music, I think, “Oh! That would make a GREAT skating program!” LOL
My adult son and I have recently discovered we both say, “That’s fair” when we’re corrected. I have suggested a “shot of scotch” as a “penalty,” but he hasn’t yet said, “that’s fair.”
Now when anyone hears those phrases, they will think of you. This is interesting. I don’t know if I have any sayings like that. I will have to start listening to myself.
Number 1 reminds of an incident that I thought then, and still think now, was really cool. I had just come home from work, and was exiting the garage, when I saw a neighborhood cat that I sometimes was allowed to scritch sunning on a 2nd-floor porch rail. I waved and said “Hi, cat!” Cat said “Meow.” Whoa! ☺
henshaven Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Sounds normal and happy to me. And like a dad. You have kids?
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Rotary is a new one for me. It’s either a roundabout or traffic circle depending on where I happen to be at the time.
dlkrueger33 almost 4 years ago
If my husband compliments me, I have a habit of answering, “That’s what they tell me!” And, like you with the drawing, Lennie, when I hear a great piece of music, I think, “Oh! That would make a GREAT skating program!” LOL
Mighty Phavahg almost 4 years ago
My adult son and I have recently discovered we both say, “That’s fair” when we’re corrected. I have suggested a “shot of scotch” as a “penalty,” but he hasn’t yet said, “that’s fair.”
Brian Fink almost 4 years ago
Here’s to #5!
Arthur I Romeo Premium Member almost 4 years ago
When we are visiting family in Aspen , we intentionally go around the traffic circle a couple of times chanting “Roundabout , roundabout”.
Indianapolis Smith almost 4 years ago
Number 1: Did you watch Captain Kangaroo when you were little?
Doctor Toon almost 4 years ago
When I’ve been sitting for a while, I catch myself saying OK before I get up
The funny thing is that if I’ve been sitting for a while, it doesn’t feel OK when I first stand up
Perkycat almost 4 years ago
Now when anyone hears those phrases, they will think of you. This is interesting. I don’t know if I have any sayings like that. I will have to start listening to myself.
ChessPirate almost 4 years ago
Number 1 reminds of an incident that I thought then, and still think now, was really cool. I had just come home from work, and was exiting the garage, when I saw a neighborhood cat that I sometimes was allowed to scritch sunning on a 2nd-floor porch rail. I waved and said “Hi, cat!” Cat said “Meow.” Whoa! ☺
Plods with ...™ almost 4 years ago
Andylit Premium Member almost 4 years ago
katina.cooper almost 4 years ago
That isn’t Big Ben. It’s Big Ginger.