When I was in the Army, I was living off-post in a rented apartment in Washington, D.C. It was in an old house up on Capitol Hill owned by a sweet little old lady. My roommate and I repainted and repaired our place, paying out of our own pockets – expecting that the landlady would deduct our expenses from the rent. Instead, she raised the rent because, she claimed, we’d done such a good job that the apartment was now worth double what she was charging us!
Over and over, a friend of mine kept asking his landlord to paint his apartment. This went on for years. Finally, the guy asked if he could paint it himself if he picked up the cost. The landlord eagerly agreed. So the day before he moved out, my friend painted the entire apartment black.
dadthedawg Premium Member almost 4 years ago
…..or volunteer to pay for everything.
Sanspareil almost 4 years ago
Let your landlord know that Tony the concrete galoshes maker is a friend of yours!
Linguist almost 4 years ago
When I was in the Army, I was living off-post in a rented apartment in Washington, D.C. It was in an old house up on Capitol Hill owned by a sweet little old lady. My roommate and I repainted and repaired our place, paying out of our own pockets – expecting that the landlady would deduct our expenses from the rent. Instead, she raised the rent because, she claimed, we’d done such a good job that the apartment was now worth double what she was charging us!
Ed The Red Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Over and over, a friend of mine kept asking his landlord to paint his apartment. This went on for years. Finally, the guy asked if he could paint it himself if he picked up the cost. The landlord eagerly agreed. So the day before he moved out, my friend painted the entire apartment black.
(Just a joke. Not a true story.)
rklittle Premium Member almost 4 years ago
" Shoe " , as always, is among the very best ever at humor and on-the-money punchlines:
JesseLouisMartinez almost 4 years ago
Have him set up his canvas outside your apartment so he could paint a good picture of it