It was a shame those pretty Peeps would turn into rocks in your Easter basket if unwrapped to show their cuteness. I never ate them because I don’t care for marshmallow flavor. Remember those large-ish hard coated pastel eggs with the fluffy cream inside them? They were my least favorite. I never ate those. Thanks anyways Easter Bunny. They weren’t wasted….I gave them away . Some people actually loved them!
Not here. No fast foods or junk foods in the house. Kept the usual house and diet routine so able to hold the weight. Weekly took a ride in the countryside. Went places that didn’t know exisited. Really a treat. Tried to make a positive out of a negative.
Susan00100 over 3 years ago
I wonder if there has been a significant weight gain in Americans since the pandemic and quarantine began.
Ontman over 3 years ago
The sugarless Peeps are hard to come by.
summerdog over 3 years ago
I knew Cathy resembled something I couldn’t put a name too….until now! She looks like a puffy Peeps! Everyday! ; )
summerdog over 3 years ago
I wonder if CG had to get permission to use the PEEPS name today?
summerdog over 3 years ago
It was a shame those pretty Peeps would turn into rocks in your Easter basket if unwrapped to show their cuteness. I never ate them because I don’t care for marshmallow flavor. Remember those large-ish hard coated pastel eggs with the fluffy cream inside them? They were my least favorite. I never ate those. Thanks anyways Easter Bunny. They weren’t wasted….I gave them away . Some people actually loved them!
summerdog over 3 years ago
Easter is my favorite holiday on the calendar. I loved it more than Christmas for several reasons.
stairsteppublishing over 3 years ago
Not here. No fast foods or junk foods in the house. Kept the usual house and diet routine so able to hold the weight. Weekly took a ride in the countryside. Went places that didn’t know exisited. Really a treat. Tried to make a positive out of a negative.
WGillete over 3 years ago
Peeps? Check. Jelly beans? Check. Chocolate eggs? OMG! I don’t have any!
Aladar30 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Thanks ♡!
Bradley Walker over 3 years ago
Yes, the world is certainly all pee-pee these days.
…What do you mean, that’s not how it’s spelled?
rgcviper over 3 years ago
I really like Peeps—though, come to think of it, I haven’t had any in years. Wonder if the stores still have any … ? Premium Member over 3 years ago
I certainly would never gain weight from peeps…don’t like marshmallow unless it’s melted.