man: from all of us to all of you, thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you! thank you!
carmen: what was that all about?
winslow: layers. they wanted to thank us bankers for making them only the second most-hated in the world.
rainbowspromise2 almost 16 years ago
So long deserved for both professions. lol
rainbowspromise2 almost 16 years ago
So long deserved for both professions. lol
Dutchboy1 almost 16 years ago
Just be glad that he left before he sued you for something stupid.
ANandy almost 16 years ago
Notice how many of the Idiots in Congress are lawyers. Explains it well, doesn’t it.
McGehee almost 16 years ago
I notice how many of the idiots in Congress want to act like bankers with my bleeping money.