Our daughter solved the problem neatly. The closest state university campus has a near Ivy League reputation. State run community colleges have a transfer program that guarantees admission to the university. She went to the community college for two years, transferred to the prestigious campus, and got a degree from there. There are some things that are good about the California bubble.
Concretionist over 3 years ago
There are always three ways to address such things: Change the kid, change the process, or take better drugs, so you don’t care.
willie_mctell over 3 years ago
Our daughter solved the problem neatly. The closest state university campus has a near Ivy League reputation. State run community colleges have a transfer program that guarantees admission to the university. She went to the community college for two years, transferred to the prestigious campus, and got a degree from there. There are some things that are good about the California bubble.