The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for April 03, 2011

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    anne-marie hunter  almost 14 years ago

    and apparently it continues 8 years later :)

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    peter0423  almost 14 years ago

    And still timely and relevant.

    I wish Aaron McGruder would return to the comic strip — he can keep up the anime if he feels he must, but the strip is pithier and has more bite in many ways. Heck, it wouldn’t have to be a daily; other great strips appear three times a week, or even only on Sundays.

    Aaron, come home…!

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    Drewdove  almost 14 years ago

    Can someone explain to me how, in this year 2011, I’m still reading Aaron McGruder’s dated comics? I agree with scatty_423 we need new comics.

    Main reason: President Obama.

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    Spyderred  almost 14 years ago

    So Drew, is the weather also the President’s fault? The budget impasse? The plague of wingnuts? The price of oil? The list must be endless since everything and anything is the President’s fault. Gives a new dimension to the concept of haters.

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    tedcoop  almost 14 years ago

    Drew, new comics would have come in handy quite a bit more before January 2010.

    Even as laughable as that President was, there’s less that needs laughing at under the competent President we have now…

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