The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for December 30, 2011
Granddad: Now, as nasty as Clinton was, even he never did anything that resulted in me seeing pictures of nekkid men on TV...and I respect that. So this year I'm voting Democrat guy...I can't remember his name... Huey, what's the other dude's name? Huey: Wait...I should know this...
rayannina almost 13 years ago
I think Bush ran unopposed in ’04 …
sharklungs almost 13 years ago
Don’t you remember, he invented the Internet?
Nortley almost 13 years ago
Impeach whatshisname.
Drewdove almost 13 years ago
It was that windboarding dude, you know, Mr Swiftboat. He reported for doody. Both he and Gore were a great substitute for Lunesta. ;-D
boogiewoogie almost 13 years ago
was it kerry in 04