He could tell it was a swarm of captives by that irritating buzzing sound.
Bringing a matchlock to a machine gun fight, not good, but then how many of the Wazari could they fit on a helicopter. And, where’s the General?
Well, this isn’t going to end well for the Sagoths.
Methinks Tarz is about to bring some hurt. And about time!
Out of the Past over 2 years ago
He could tell it was a swarm of captives by that irritating buzzing sound.
BigDaveGlass over 2 years ago
Bringing a matchlock to a machine gun fight, not good, but then how many of the Wazari could they fit on a helicopter. And, where’s the General?
Old Comic Strip Lover over 2 years ago
Well, this isn’t going to end well for the Sagoths.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 2 years ago
Methinks Tarz is about to bring some hurt. And about time!