Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for July 14, 2023
cookie advisory a troop of rogue girl scouts is reportedly selling non-girl-scout-sanctioned cookies in your cookie-buying area. if you have recently purchased boxes of any of the cookies pic-tured below, you are advised to dispose of them immediately. tinfoils shortbread with bits of foil. note: ignore the micro-wave recipe on box. bandarlogs made with wood chips & not less than 10% monkeys. alkoids curiously bitter; produces a pucker of malocclusive proportion. dese 'n' dose these fell off a truck. fugu fugus contains highly toxic japanese blowfish. other-wise quite tasty. peanut butter munchs they're edible but just way too creepy. man: omigod, girl scouts! woman: hide! girl: heh heh
ladykat over 1 year ago
I haven’t seen a Girl Guide selling cookies in a donkey’s age.
Jbarker1956 Premium Member over 1 year ago
So the ones made with real Girl Scouts are okay?
Sisyphos over 1 year ago
—Even worse, Homeowner-Couple! They’re rogue Girl Scouts, and they aren’t interested in taking prisoners….