Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for March 27, 2024
richard's poor almanac - by richard thompson restaurant closings the following establishments have been cloed for health code violations. the slaw factory the slaw factory - closed for massive mayo-nnaise spill that injured 52 diners & the maitre d'. cram 'n' bolt sandwiches - soup - wraps try our 20 second lunch cram 'n' bolt - closed for exceeding its monthly quota of heimlich maneuvers. cgi friday's cgi friday's - closed for serving computer generated images of food, not actual food. cinnabomb cinnabomb - closed for filling mall with the caustic reek of hot buns. just one sniff & you gain 8 pounds! smidgens all you can eat 3c smidgens picky cafe- closed for untouched or pushed-around vegetables, half-eaten rolls & meat-loaf that's sat there so long it's stone cold. discount carpeteria discount carpeteria - closed for no food on premises, no certified food manager & no hot water. reopened 5 min-utes later. oops! our bad!
Cpeckbourlioux 10 months ago
CGI. He was ahead of his time.
Vince M 10 months ago
Smidgens – Petey Otterloop’s favorite restaurant.