Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for June 17, 2024
richard's poor amanac by richard thompson too late tax tips yesterday was the deadline to file your tax return! remember? bub's hubs hubcaps - $5 and up ask about our tax prep service first, we trust you sought help only from reputable income tax preparation firms! no? oh, dear. second, you didn't doodle in the margins of your tax form again, did you? how many times do we have to repeat this? no doodling on the form! bush: no taxes for rich people! form 1040 u.s. depar label (see instructions on page 21) use th lab for th your fi richar if filling bless this litter box i kitties and you know that there are no deductions for obsessive-compulsive collections. none. not for hummel figurines, not for model trains, not for pez dispensers, not for little things shaped like cats. especially not for little things shaped like cats. finally, not all mailboxes are real: some are decoys, some are possessed by evil spirits. we hope you put your return in a real one, cause it's too late now!
prince valiant Premium Member 6 months ago
Oh where, oh where was this information two months ago!
owlsandy Premium Member 6 months ago
This comic should be better known. I really enjoy his imagination!
stamps 6 months ago
PoodleGroomer 6 months ago
Remember. the real ones are inside the post office.