Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for November 29, 2024
restaurant closings the following establishments were closed for health code violations. p.j.piehole's - ketchup accidental-ly married to the mayonnaise. gas 'n' - smash 'n' grab foodmart gas 'n' - smash 'n' grab foodmart - super unleaded from pump #3 contaminated by hot dog water. reflux reflux - closed for acid backup. steak's sc burgers spongebrain cowpat's house o;beef - closed for aesthetic reasons.
prince valiant Premium Member 27 days ago
Ok, I’m going to get all art school on us. Study these drawings by Mr. Thompson. They have such a freedom of line and expression that just amazes me. They contain details that, if you just glance over, you’ll miss. Shading, scribbles, uneven lines…they just come together so well. The man truly was a creative genius. Personally, I think Will Henry, who draws Wallace the Brave, has a similar technique along with a great quirky sense of humor.
SteveHL 27 days ago
The great (and frequently closed) P. J. Piehole’s was ahead of its time. Heinz now sells mayochup, a combination of mayonnaise and ketchup.