Chip Bok for August 14, 2021

  1. Pat new 150
    Patjade  over 2 years ago

    Speaking of murder, how about the guy who killed 600K people due to neglect and disinformation, Baghdad Bok?

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The jaded China girl keeps spreading Xi Jinping’s lies and propaganda. There’s no logic or reasoning regarding her inane claims but if there was, what is Joe’s excuse for the 208,548 Wuhan CCP virus deaths on his watch as of 12 August? Thanks to President Trump, Biden had a distribution system up and running with all the bugs worked out and vaccines going into peoples arms for a month by the time he assumed office. President Trump, on the other hand, had to deal with a brand new virus developed by China and kept secret while it was spreading throughout the world. Trump closed foreign travel from China against the recommendation from Fauci and was criticized by the Democrats and the left as being xenophobic. President Trump started Operation Warp Speed with the goal of developing a vaccine and getting it into the populace by December 2020 which Fauci, Democrats and the general left wing ‘science’ community said couldn’t be done. By October 2020, President Trump had funded OWS to $18 billion and preordered, bought and paid for 800 million doses of vaccines.

    The left wing ideological Trump haters are great at pointing fingers and criticizing, but you never see them post any other reasonable or credible actions President Trump could have taken which would have had a significant impact in the spread of the virus.

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    dnie1951  over 2 years ago

    Dr. Fauci ?

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    grange Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Once covid gets into a nursing home, it’s like fire in a dry forest. The staff can do everything right and still the virus spreads and kills. And when they do everything “right” the residents suffer from loneliness and grief from being separated from everyone, kept in their rooms and only seeing people who are masked, gowned, shielded and gloved. And they die of misery. We lost 23% of our residents in two months, only almost half of those didn’t have the bug.

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