Remember all, Frank Cho stopped drawing Liberty Meadows over 2 decades ago. These strips are repeats, and will always be repeats. Worse is that fact that seems to run the story arcs in a somewhat random order. Cho has stated on his blog that he has no control over this, nor does he visit this website or read the comments. So sit back and enjoy the ride.
whahoppened over 3 years ago
Must be before the days of DVR.
Chithing Premium Member over 3 years ago
Slightly skewed priorities, there.
MartinPerry1 over 3 years ago
I have to say, Callisto was my favourite on that show. Of course, I wouldn’t have turned down Xena and Gabrielle either.
jimboklein over 3 years ago
Remember all, Frank Cho stopped drawing Liberty Meadows over 2 decades ago. These strips are repeats, and will always be repeats. Worse is that fact that seems to run the story arcs in a somewhat random order. Cho has stated on his blog that he has no control over this, nor does he visit this website or read the comments. So sit back and enjoy the ride.