Garfield by Jim Davis for October 31, 1983

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    coolpersonwithsunglasses  over 13 years ago

    uh, i want to know where jon got that!

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    SonicWind  about 13 years ago

    I don’t know… Maybe the CHICKEN FEET STICKING OUT OF THE POT could be why that happened.

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    pianofreakluvsgarfield  over 12 years ago

    but garfield eats chickens… this time it’s only dunked in chicken broth.

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    m.l.  over 12 years ago
    Well, you can’t take a hint, can you Jon.
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    goldenkoopa5001  about 11 years ago

    Garfield hates chicken broth.

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  6. Qrdw8o
    The Ever-Convenient Object's Shopping Mall  over 5 years ago

    I guess this is the scariest thing they could come up with FOR HALLOWEEN!!!

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  7. Sheldoncharacter
    Scrambled Eggs  almost 2 years ago

    Jon can make lasagna and roast turkeys and chickens, no problem. But when it comes to chicken soup, I guess he thinks it’s good enough to drown a bird in broth and call it a day.

    You know, knowing this, it starts to make more sense, why Jon is always having burgers and pies and lasagna and such. He’s only good at making a few things and is otherwise a terrible cook.

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    Arufi  5 months ago

    why is chicken soup black

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