The parent of a former patient (she’s still in remission after 15 years!!) was in HR and one day she was all smiles in the office and it was not just her daughter’s prognosis but the fact that the person she just hired was an African-American lesbian with a Hispanic surname. She explained that this new hire was a “4 in 1” on her “diversity checklist.” I never bothered with that, I just hired the best people for the job. Not my fault they were of diverse religion, sexual orientation, ethnic group or even trans. The fact that they liked working with kids and could contribute to the occasional potluck was what was important. And were not afraid to keep me in line.
Remember way back when James Watt – Ronald Regan’s Secretary of the interior bragged that he had “a black, a woman, two Jews and a Cripple” on his staff…
SHAKEDOWNVILLE over 3 years ago
The “Clod” Squad.
taxidancer over 3 years ago
But that’s all the same person!
theincrediblebulk over 3 years ago
But enough about me…
The Reader Premium Member over 3 years ago
He forgot about the guy who is always talking on the telephone.
pathamil over 3 years ago
And his name is Snow White…
Totalloser Premium Member over 3 years ago
That is the make up of every team in an office
stamps over 3 years ago
You’re missing a Karen.
Teto85 Premium Member over 3 years ago
The parent of a former patient (she’s still in remission after 15 years!!) was in HR and one day she was all smiles in the office and it was not just her daughter’s prognosis but the fact that the person she just hired was an African-American lesbian with a Hispanic surname. She explained that this new hire was a “4 in 1” on her “diversity checklist.” I never bothered with that, I just hired the best people for the job. Not my fault they were of diverse religion, sexual orientation, ethnic group or even trans. The fact that they liked working with kids and could contribute to the occasional potluck was what was important. And were not afraid to keep me in line.
wrenshaw over 3 years ago
Remember way back when James Watt – Ronald Regan’s Secretary of the interior bragged that he had “a black, a woman, two Jews and a Cripple” on his staff…
He won a foot-in-mouth award for that…
syzygy47 over 3 years ago
It does for me. But I’ll volounteer myself if you’re looking for a member of a visible minority. I’m a southpaw.