Why is this guy with a fine head of hair even considering shaving his dome? You resort to that when most of your hair’s gone, either through balding or from chemo. And covering up shows shame and self-consciousness, which only makes the baldness worse. Let your scalp shine on, I say! And your freak flag fly! Unless it’s damp, raw Denmark, that is, then by all means put the hat on.
FreyjaRN Premium Member almost 3 years ago
That looks accurate.
Dobber Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Not everyone can get away with the shaved look. Some look better with even a little hair.
Blaidd Drwg Premium Member almost 3 years ago
First fake it, hopefully better than Harry Connick.
Mayor Snorkum almost 3 years ago
Why is this guy with a fine head of hair even considering shaving his dome? You resort to that when most of your hair’s gone, either through balding or from chemo. And covering up shows shame and self-consciousness, which only makes the baldness worse. Let your scalp shine on, I say! And your freak flag fly! Unless it’s damp, raw Denmark, that is, then by all means put the hat on.