If I can read that slight blurry text on the left above correctly on my smart phone, they have a break for lunch… So what are they having then? Gull liver?
Today it’s the workers who are bound and tied….the bosses benefit from a multi million dollar retirement package while the employees barely get a pension if any….
Gent about 3 years ago
Organised labour can tackles any giant tasks.
in-dubio-pro-rainbow about 3 years ago
If I can read that slight blurry text on the left above correctly on my smart phone, they have a break for lunch… So what are they having then? Gull liver?
Zebrastripes about 3 years ago
Today it’s the workers who are bound and tied….the bosses benefit from a multi million dollar retirement package while the employees barely get a pension if any….
WCraft Premium Member about 3 years ago
A bit small and difficult to read; even when blown up.
bbcsys Premium Member about 3 years ago
Lets break for lunch