Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for November 29, 2008

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    How well I remember autumn leaves, especially when I was too little to have to rake them.

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    TexasProudCowgirl  about 16 years ago

    Well said, Calvin.

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  3. Cutiger
    rentier  about 16 years ago

    Let autumn stick in a few words!

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    Miss.Fit  about 16 years ago

    i love calvin…he’s so much like me..

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  5. Blue hair
    Jackone  about 16 years ago

    Right you are, Calvin. Mother Nature always has something to say if we just shut up and listen.

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  6. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 16 years ago

    I love it that Calvin and pal have some nearby woods to occasionally lose themselves in.

    I was lucky that way as a kid too.

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    Craigor  about 16 years ago

    I also remember playing in the woods like Calvin. Now, of course, when my son (about the same age as Calvin) does it, he knows he has to submit to a tick inspection before coming in the house. He is a little disappointed he can’t jump into the leaf piles when I clean them up – of course it means I only ave to do it once! :-)

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    cleokaya  about 16 years ago

    The smell of autumn leaves still takes me back to my childhood. Of course, I’m speeding my way towards my second childhood anyways.

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    shinoda763  about 16 years ago

    hear , hear……….

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    bognor  about 16 years ago

    how true. and yet… it’s not in our nature to hush up awhile. or i wouldn’t have written this!

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    tabbylynn  about 16 years ago

    i love this time of year when the leaves are all over and colorful. it is peaceful and if you listen it is beautiful sounding also.

    love seeing them quite and acting like good boys. lol

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  12. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  about 16 years ago

    Nature could speak volumns if we would but let her. But nature only speaks to those who are pure in heart.

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    swolf48110  about 16 years ago

    Here’s to that little bit of Calvin in each of us.

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    cello_wizard  about 16 years ago

    Yukoner said:

    Nature could speak volumns if we would but let her. But nature only speaks to those who are pure in heart. swolf48110 said:

    Here’s to that little bit of Calvin in each of us.

    Well said, both of you! Love the faces in panel two. And for once, it looks like hobbes agrees with calvin.

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    licarus21  about 16 years ago

    //Margueritem, That’s what I am thinking of. :D

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  16. Radleft
    Radical-Knight  about 16 years ago

    Has his mother or father decided to whom “Your Son” belonged to?

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    Tiger1183  about 16 years ago

    i used to do that a lot but no one comes with me now do im not allowed in the woods since its really hard to climb about in there. you cant just walk and you usually need more than one person. heh

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  18. Peace 2
    makeme01  about 16 years ago

    My parents have always liked comics when they were kids and its my turn to go crazy with the best people to go crazy with…CARTOONS!!! :)

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    andresgualdron  about 16 years ago

    all panels in this comic are beautiful.

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