Freshly Squeezed by Ed Stein for June 19, 2024

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    Macushlalondra  11 days ago

    Sam is right! It’s time for those two to pick up the slack. What else do they have to do?

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    Bruce Underwood Premium Member 10 days ago

    Mooches for in laws and a harpy for a wife. I see why it’s called Freshly Squeezed. He is trying to make lemonade out of those lemons.

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    Just-me  10 days ago

    Liz is back to making up stuff for Sam to do again. It isn’t that the things don’t have to be done, but he works too so I think it’s fair for her parents to pitch in.

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    Niko S  10 days ago

    When both parents work the workload needs to be shared 50/50 and if the kids are old enough they should be helping as well.

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    drbee  10 days ago

    For thousands of yoars, it was traditional for 3 generations to live under 1 roof. The parents did the work- Dad in the fields (not easy, when plowing with a single-bit plow and a mule), and Mom tended the house (Not easy, cooking over a fireplace and washing clothes with a tub and washboard, among other things). The Grand-parents were the ones who tended the small fry, and imparted to them the family ‘Lore’, and gave them their first concepts of familial duties, morality, and so on. And they did this until the kids were of an age to start being useful, whereupon ther parents took over the tutelage, teaching them the skills they’d in time need to raise their own families. The ‘Modern’ family of separation is a relatively new concept; perhaps a century old.

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