Reminds me of this old TV commercial where the wife is very definitely asleep and the dopey husband keeps shaking her and asking if she’s up. She woke up saying “I’m up now” but only a little bit as annoyed as I’d be. He gripes that he can’t sleep because of a sore throat or something. She gives him medicine and he goes to sleep but she’s wide awake and says “I’m glad one of us can sleep.”
Macushlalondra 3 months ago
Reminds me of this old TV commercial where the wife is very definitely asleep and the dopey husband keeps shaking her and asking if she’s up. She woke up saying “I’m up now” but only a little bit as annoyed as I’d be. He gripes that he can’t sleep because of a sore throat or something. She gives him medicine and he goes to sleep but she’s wide awake and says “I’m glad one of us can sleep.”
Bill The Nuke 3 months ago
There’s a solution that probably would have allowed them both to sleep afterwards.
mousefumanchu Premium Member 3 months ago
When dad was sick, he’d wake mom up in the middle of the night, “talk to me”.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member 3 months ago
Did Mr. Stein have an unhappy marriage?