I know this cartoon is on the front page, and I’m not trying to sond like a dummy here, but could someone explain this one to me. Is it that the last thing he needs is to see clearly when ll he’s going to see is the same thing anyways. My apologies. I think I’m a little dense today.
Oh, I see. I missed the word “sunglasses” on the box. I just saw the glasses. I just saw the picture of the glasses. I better go get my reading glasses on!
margueritem about 16 years ago
Let’s see, he could tie them together with palm fronds, and…
c00k13m0n5t3r about 16 years ago
…and make an umbrella?
Digital Frog about 16 years ago
Is he waiting for a Lensman to come save him?
calvinandquestionmark about 16 years ago
I know this cartoon is on the front page, and I’m not trying to sond like a dummy here, but could someone explain this one to me. Is it that the last thing he needs is to see clearly when ll he’s going to see is the same thing anyways. My apologies. I think I’m a little dense today.
margueritem about 16 years ago
What Mr. Navybean said.
calvinandquestionmark about 16 years ago
Oh, I see. I missed the word “sunglasses” on the box. I just saw the glasses. I just saw the picture of the glasses. I better go get my reading glasses on!
Nighthawks Premium Member about 16 years ago
glad to see Acme is still in business, what with the economy and all…..Wiley Coyote has been using Acme’s products for years, also to no avail
Nighthawks Premium Member about 16 years ago
glad to see Acme is still in business, what with the economy and all…..Wiley Coyote has been using Acme’s products for years, also to no avail
Penguinassassin007 about 16 years ago
Just a note people: It is Wile E. Coyote. Those were and still are my favorite cartoons ever, so it pains me when the names are misspelled.
TashaFluffyKitty about 12 years ago
to: margueritemWho are you talking about? There’s noone named Mr. Navybean on this page.