Clucktopia, a fictional locality where humanoid chickens have their own civilization created by a German-Pole named Ploetz at the turn of the last century using a radionic gun in some millions of parallels just not in ours. Himmer was a chicken farmer before and got involved before he became SS chief in the 1920’s. Made the chickens into partial dinosaurs with bigger brains. (Later used to create large dinosaur-like chickens in Nuevo Germania.) Parts are fictional other parts are real.
Alfred Ploetz (22 August 1860 – 20 March 1940) was a German physician, biologist and eugenicist known for coining the term racial hygiene (Rassenhygiene),1 a form of eugenics, and for promoting the concept in Germany. Ploetz was born in Swinemünde, Germany (now Świnoujście, Poland).
scott.duane about 3 years ago
What happens to the remaining 80% of the eggs?
Jeffin Premium Member about 3 years ago
Does that mean we can have chicken pope pie for dinner?
thebashfulone about 3 years ago
For some reason, this reminds me of today’s “Candorville”.
wrloftis about 3 years ago
“And now, opening for the Chili Peppers, give it up for Chicken Pope!”
chris_o42 about 3 years ago
We had some irresponsible chickens once—the coyotes got them.
elbow macaroni about 3 years ago
ChessPirate about 3 years ago
Uh oh, “Chicken Pope” is just one scrambled (get it, scrambled? ☺) letter away from "Chicken Poop…
fritzoid Premium Member about 3 years ago
10% (tithing) would be more traditional, but you’d need millions of chickens to start making Pope money.
RonnieAThompson Premium Member about 3 years ago
Responsible chickens? That is a bird brain idea. Just sayin.
mindjob about 3 years ago
She will lecture them about climate change
fritzoid Premium Member about 3 years ago
Agnes asking for 20% of the chickens’ eggs reminds me of Abraham and Isaac…
SubDude about 3 years ago
Good deal, less than Apple or Google charges.
SofaKing Premium Member about 3 years ago
Sounds like most religions.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 3 years ago
Clucktopia, a fictional locality where humanoid chickens have their own civilization created by a German-Pole named Ploetz at the turn of the last century using a radionic gun in some millions of parallels just not in ours. Himmer was a chicken farmer before and got involved before he became SS chief in the 1920’s. Made the chickens into partial dinosaurs with bigger brains. (Later used to create large dinosaur-like chickens in Nuevo Germania.) Parts are fictional other parts are real.
Alfred Ploetz (22 August 1860 – 20 March 1940) was a German physician, biologist and eugenicist known for coining the term racial hygiene (Rassenhygiene),1 a form of eugenics, and for promoting the concept in Germany. Ploetz was born in Swinemünde, Germany (now Świnoujście, Poland).