Join us dear reader, as we take (for the umpteenth time) a detour from the current story to an totally unrelated story. And yet this detour is different, as it is not some usual GoComics random “drop the strips in a blender” event but actually how the strip originally ran.
As for me, I’ll be out in the lobby deciding between Raisinets and JuJu Bees.
I Go Pogo 10 months ago
Join us dear reader, as we take (for the umpteenth time) a detour from the current story to an totally unrelated story. And yet this detour is different, as it is not some usual GoComics random “drop the strips in a blender” event but actually how the strip originally ran.
As for me, I’ll be out in the lobby deciding between Raisinets and JuJu Bees.