Clay Jones for February 07, 2022

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    B 8671  over 2 years ago

    The act of desperate scumbag.

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    I’ve never heard of the program, never heard of the judge who walked off… and I’m STILL sure that the walk-off was justified…

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  3. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 2 years ago

    They are going to have to change the show’s title to “The Masked Fool”.

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    rekam Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Never bothered watching the show.

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  5. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  over 2 years ago


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    mysterysciencefreezer  over 2 years ago

    I still want to know who thought having Mayor Bar Sinister on the show was a good idea?

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    Display  over 2 years ago

    Of course it was on Faux I see. Simple solution – just don’t watch anything on Faux or buy from their sponsors (and tell their sponsors that). If they’re going to support that waste of flesh and breathe just simply do not support them. Why would you give them an inch?

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    robcarroll1213  over 2 years ago

    What a slow, sad slide into complete buffoonery from 9/11 Mayor to Trump’s Jester.

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    preacherman Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Alright, I admit, I haven’t got a clue who the guy with the big teeth is. Clay lost me on this, again.

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  10. Desron14
    Masterskrain  over 2 years ago

    Wait until Rabid Rudy starts singing in front of the Jan. 6th panel…

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  11. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member over 2 years ago

    It’s a symptom of a segment of today’s society to tolerate even sedition and insurrection against the U.S. government. Now the guilty go on these celebrity shows to try and rehab their images. This show previously had Sarah Palin as a contestant, guess they just wanted to up the ante of repulsive guests.

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  12. Reading cat
    morningglory73 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    His teeth keep getting bigger and yellower every day. Pretty soon he will be nothing but big yellow teeth but we will know who it is.

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  13. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 2 years ago

    Could people PLEASE stop replying directly to the worthless KE? I mean, fer chrissakes, would you reply directly to a sewer rat? KE can only wish he could skyrocket all the way up to THAT level.

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    Zebrastripes  over 2 years ago

    Nothing will change the fact he’s a treasonist pig

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    tamrich59  over 2 years ago

    Done with this show….Liberals ruin everything!

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  16. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Rudy Giuliani told President Trump that if Trump imposed martial law “we would all end up in prison.”

    The president and his loyalists, together and independently, had been working toward this end in various ways since Election Day. Byrne told me that he and Michael Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, met with Trump’s legal adviser Rudy Giuliani in Arlington, Va., shortly after the election to offer their assistance. Through Powell, Flynn soon became part of the group as well. Byrne said he had rented several rooms at the Trump Hotel for a few months — paying a full rack rate of about $800,000 — which he, Flynn, Powell and others would move in and out of. Byrne considered the hotel “the safest place in D.C. for a command bunker.” But Flynn suggested that they also establish a separate working area far from the Beltway. Powell contacted Lin Wood, who agreed to host them at his secluded estate. As the group began to assemble in mid-November, Wood told me that he was surprised and “honored” to discover that Flynn, whom he had never met, was among his guests.

    Powell had brought along two law associates. The other guests were there to gather and organize election information alongside her and Flynn. Among these was Seth Keshel, a 36-year-old former Army military intelligence captain who told me he got Flynn’s attention three weeks earlier by sending what he believed were suspicious election data to Flynn’s LinkedIn page. Another, Jim Penrose, was a cybersecurity specialist who had worked for the National Security Agency. A third, Doug Logan, was an associate of Patrick Byrne and the chief executive of a Florida-based software-security firm called Cyber Ninjas. (Powell, Penrose and Logan did not respond to requests for comment.) Wood and Byrne said the group had brought computers, printers and whiteboards. “It looked like Election Central,” Wood recalled.

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  17. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    While Powell was pursuing legal options for reversing the election results, Flynn was beginning to envision a military role. “It’s not unprecedented,” Flynn, describing the nascent plan, insisted to the Newsmax host Greg Kelly on Dec. 17. “I mean, these people out there talking about martial law, like it’s something that we’ve never done. Martial law has been instituted 64 times, Greg,” he said, then added, “I’m not calling for that.”

    But by that point, Flynn was in fact calling for sending in the military to the contested states. Byrne told me that by Dec. 16, he had lined up a series of options for the president to consider, including using uniformed officials to confiscate voting machines and ballots in six states. Flynn suggested to Byrne that the National Guard and U.S. marshals in combination would be the most suited to the job.

    On the evening of Dec. 18, Flynn, Byrne, Powell and a legal associate took an S.U.V. limousine to the White House. The group found their way into the Oval Office with the help of several eager-to-please White House staff members, including Garrett Ziegler, an aide to the Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro. (Navarro had released his own extensive, and swiftly debunked, report on election fraud the day before and was in the midst of lobbying Republican members of Congress to overturn the 2020 results.) Byrne, Flynn and Powell then made their case directly to the president about the options he had at his disposal, including Flynn’s suggested use of the National Guard and U.S. marshals. According to Byrne, Powell handed Trump a packet that included previous executive orders issued by President Barack Obama and by Trump that the group believed established a precedent for a new executive order, one that would use supposed foreign interference in the election as a justification for deploying the military. In this operation, Byrne added, Flynn could serve as Trump’s “field marshal.”

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  18. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Trump was amenable to the idea of civilian authorities’ seizing voting machines; in November, he reportedly proposed the idea of the Justice Department’s doing so to his attorney general, William Barr, though Barr rejected it. But either by his own judgment or on the advice of others, he seemed to draw the line at using the military. Byrne told me that Giuliani recently explained to him that he had counseled the president to reject such a plan because “we would all end up in prison.” (A lawyer for Giuliani did not respond to a request for comment.) After Flynn and Powell’s proposal was rejected, Phil Waldron, a retired Army colonel who served with Flynn and was now working with Powell’s legal team, later offered his own revised draft executive order, in which the Department of Homeland Security would be ordered to seize the machines. But Ken Cuccinelli, the department’s acting deputy secretary, resisted. (Waldron had presented his own martial-law plan to both Flynn and Trump’s legal team; it is unclear whether the plan that Flynn’s group presented originated with him or Waldron.)

    “It’s a challenge to call out a grifter,” Ivan Rucker mused, “because usually they have a very passionate, cultlike following. And sometimes we get this situation where we have these multiple grifters going after each other. It’s entertaining, but it’s also dangerous for everybody involved.”

    ny times

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  19. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    The Republican Party finally comes clean: It stands for terrorism and Trump, against democracy

    Trump was confused when White House staffers didn’t like him rewinding Capitol riot highlights on TV, report says

    Adam Kinzinger BLASTS Donald Trump: ‘Worst President’ in US History

    ‘Disgraceful’ Trump slammed by WSJ as a ‘three-time election loser’ in scorching editorial

    Pence’s ‘Trump is wrong’ set the stage for the GOP to turn on the former president: CNN’s John Berman

    Republican Party mocked after bragging ‘a record’ .5 percent of their candidates are Black

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  20. Bloodstokehowler
    grenjello  over 2 years ago

    At least Robin Thick and Ken Juong had the balls to get u and leave.

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    Ally2005  over 2 years ago

    Rudy Patootie wants a new career in show biz. Law and Order is out. The Munsters or Tales from the Crypt are gone. Maybe General Mills needs a new Count Chocula. He might have to settle for BOP # 02879-541 with his own private cell.

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    At last the Republican Party comes clean: It stands for terrorism and Trump, against democracy

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  23. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 2 years ago

    A direct quote from the worthless KE “The current administration that is failing so badly, it’s obviously filled with nothing but incompetent traitors hellbent on destroying the nation.” Obviously, no sane person could ever believe this (and, indeed, no sane person DOES believe this.) And recently KE advised Mr. Jones to retire. I would like to point out that Mr. Jones has never ONCE advised KE to shut down his lemonade stand, or to stop selling blood plasma, or whatever else the hell KE does in order to afford living in his Mommy’s basement.

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  24. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    National Archives says Trump representatives are still looking for additional docs he smuggled to Mar-a-Lago

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