The carnival guy is really diplomatic, standing there, listening to a parent ranting about how his game is rigged while his daughter is proving again and again that it isn’t, without punching him in the face. I guess he’s like “Say what you want, mister, your money is still getting into my pockets”.
DevilDog2001 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Meowy_Sparkles about 2 years ago
Get your own laptop
Joseph comicinthestrip about 2 years ago
By spending so much money on an easily-winnable game, you’re actually proving your own point opposite of the originally intended manner!
a name almost 2 years ago
Bye-bye, carnival guy. Hello to his debt.
AppleCrusher292 4 months ago
I would say get the food processor
Naldrin 2 months ago
The carnival guy is really diplomatic, standing there, listening to a parent ranting about how his game is rigged while his daughter is proving again and again that it isn’t, without punching him in the face. I guess he’s like “Say what you want, mister, your money is still getting into my pockets”.